june 9, 2024

    pixel camera app, pixel 6a.

    i took this photo a week ago on the way to a pride event. about two hours later during the event, me and my wife were hassled by a cop. we think it was because he saw us kneel for the anthem or because of the masks and keffiyehs.


    may 29, 2024

    fujifilm quicksnap flash 400 disposable camera

    i got the scans of my disposable camera photos from the lab!

    pictured top is my gay wife in our gay kitchen. pictured bottom is my wife and our two dogs going for a walk.

    about half of the photos came out very underexposed but it was fun snapping em anyway. it feels really nice to spend time learning a new thing. having something fun to focus on thats a little bit frivolous helps when much of my time is spent keeping up to date on genocides unfolding around the world, the ongoing covid pandemic, the legislative and physical attacks on minorities and protesters by the state, and trying to have patient conversations with people about these things.

    may 22, 2024

    pixel camera app, pixel 6a.

    today i took a trip to a photo lab to drop off a fujifilm disposable camera that ive been playing with the last few weeks to be developed. the lab also had a small collection of cameras for sale so i bought one!

    the dude that works there talked to me for a while about cameras, bands, and the local punk scene. it turns out he toured through chicago and played a show with some pals a few years back. he explained how the camera works and helped me load my first roll of film. having no experience with 35mm photography i have a lot to learn! i plan on reading through a pdf of the camera manual that i found online, reading up on focus and lighting, and just playing around with it until i understand it.

    when my disposable camera photos are ready ill hopefully have some fun in-focus photos to share here!

    may 15, 2024

    pixel camera app, pixel 6a.

    ibutamoren (mk-677) is an growth hormone secretagogue, meaning it stimulates the release of growth hormone in humans. typically growth hormone is spiked during natural puberty. mostly body builders fuck with it to help with workout recovery but trans people that use hrt have started experimenting with it to help mimic puberty.

    what ive read about it mostly comes through the lens of testosterone dominant bodied people that have a strict diet and an extensive workout routine. i eat whatever i want and dont exercise. effects reported include ravenous hunger, elevated blood glucose levels, increase of lean body mass (probably for people that workout), increase of rem sleep, increase of prolactin levels, better recovery after strenuous activity, better joint and tendon health.

    today marks the end of a two week experiment where i took ~12.5mg every night before i went to bed. every morning i would test my fasted blood glucose levels because thats the biggest risk. in week one i didnt notice anything different, blood glucose levels were normal. in week two i started experiencing the abrupt ravenous hunger and started to have slightly elevated blood glucose levels. today, at the end of week two, my body is mostly the same but my tits are slightly bigger. i cant say whether or not this is due to the ibutamoren because ive been steadily gaining fat over the last ten months, since i quit a very physically strenuous job that basically made me lose all my body fat.

    because of the elevated blood glucose levels i am terminating this experiment. ive been on hrt for about seven and a half years and i think its fun to fuck with my bodies chemistry to see what feels good and correct. im always game to share my experiences with other trans people or anyone thats genuinely interested. also happy to share diy hrt resources.

    may 6, 2024

    pixel camera app, pixel 6a.

    yesterday we made a batch of mark gunnerys fire cider, recipe found in the antifa kugelbook. now we shake it once a day for three to four weeks and then strain it to preserve the liquid for our consumption. its supposed to help boost your immune system but i think the appeal is that its a fun kitchen project that we can share with friends.

    i made a batch of this a couple years ago. we would take a tablespoon of it mixed with a tablespoon of honey and it was still BRUTAL.

    marks recipe intro reminds me of a podcast interview that i listened to about dandelions that was super insightful. the episode is about how to utilize dandelion but also about heroic medicine vs food as medicine, how capitalism labels plants as invasive, and building a respectful relationship with the environment.

    strangers in a tangled wilderness 3: dandelions with celeste inez mathilda

    may 3, 2024

    pixel camera app, pixel 6a.

    i took my first short bike ride of the year. the first mile was entirely uphill and kicked my ass but i still had a nice time. i miss bouncing around the city on my bike and having tacos and beer in a public park with other sweaty homos. hopefully i can get up to some similar shenanigans with the new pals ive met. i stopped by the town center store for a four pack of cider tall cans before heading home.

    now that im thinking about loitering in parks, i havent come across 40s or mad dog since moving here. what the hell?

    anyway im gonna be running a 5k next month so i definitely need to get back in shape if im gonna prove that trans women win at every sport.

    may 1, 2024

    pixel camera app, pixel 6a.

    first post. happy may day!

    this photo was taken at 8:47pm.